To those who were in FSC Hockey 8-14

First I want to make this very clear, FSC Hockey 1-7 ARE NOT affected by this post. We have spent lots of time making these leagues competitive by recruiting over the summer. These leagues we plan to run forever 🙂

A little background first, before I make the post about 8-14. Our previous site manager (and network owner) Mark, thought it would be a good idea to open up a bunch of hockey leagues as a means of getting more people in the network thus promoting growth. The original leagues that were added slowly over time were 1-5. 6-14 were added in the course of 1 year. His failure was in not realizing:

A) We do not have resources to run 14 hockey leagues. We do not have 14 commissioners. We do not have a team large enough to oversee 14 leagues, set them up for drafting, resolve any issues that come up in season.

B) By opening 14 leagues, the level of competition was severely watered down.

As the Hockey VP, I have made the decision not to open Leagues 8-14. I am confident we have salvaged leagues 6 and 7 by getting many experienced dynasty owners in this league. Leagues 1-5 have always been strong. However, as a result of contracting we have increased competitiveness and activity in our leagues. Those who were here in the beginning will remember how active standard leagues were. By only running 7 leagues, we are stabilizing the the overly ambitious expansion and making these leagues the MOST competitive you will play this year.

For those who were in Leagues 8-14, I apologize. At the time of those leagues being made last year I advised not to open up so many for this exact reason. My advice to you dynasty fanatics is to stay tuned regarding teams that come up, as I am sure we will have 1 or 2 become available throughout the year.

As well before the 2017-18 hockey season I plan to open 1-2 more FSC Dynasty Hockey leagues (the “new” FSC Hockey 8 and 9 respectively), that will be available to those who are in 2 or less FSC Hockey Leagues at that time (preference given to newer players). To facilitate this, I will need a Commissioner to step up. I will need someone with Commissioner experience, FSC experience (don’t have to be in less than 2 leagues but must be active) but preferably not a current hockey commish (Edmonton Crunch, Dynasty Empire, Beer League Barons, and Frost Giant). If you are interested I will take your name down. Message me on GroupMe, or email